Benefits of Reading

Reading ~ Lifeofjoy.meI recently came across this article that shared eight benefits from reading. I thought it was a good reminder. I thought I’d shared something like this before but cannot find it, so I’m sharing this link with you today. It is a fairly short read but should encourage you to encourage your children to read a bit more.

Technology Good? ~ LifeOfJoy.meWhile looking through my previous posts I found a couple on the same basic subject that  were worth bringing to your attention. The first is about how we read differently on electronic devices than paper format and shares how some of the people that have enough money to purchase the top of the line electronics limit their children’s use of them and some go so far as to send them to schools with no screens at all. Pretty interesting to me.

PS119:11Finally, I wanted to remind you of this post about how reading the Bible should be taught to every individual, not just Christians. I also share some about how the brain is helped by memorizing scripture.

I hope I’ve given you some valuable information to consider and it blesses you.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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