An Important Key to a Good Marriage and Family

It’s important to keep up your relationship with God. It helps you have a better relationship with others, including your spouse and children.

Now I know when you have children and especially if you are homeschooling, that it is difficult to find time to read the Bible. But it really doesn’t have to be much. It doesn’t take much to read a couple of verses every day.

Bible Verse a Day

Here are some ideas for you, in no particular order.


I learned that handwriting has neurological benefits. Consequently I write scriptures every day. I use the monthly scriptures provided on Sweet Blessings. Shannon does a full 31 day writing plan on a theme each month. She provides it in a handy printable in both English and Spanish; she even leaves all the old ones available, so you can always pick a topic that is of interest to you.


It’s easy to talk to God throughout the day. It doesn’t require any particular amount of time; it can be done while doing dishes, folding laundry, mopping the floor, or any other mundane task. God is our friend and always there just waiting for us to talk to Him. It’s easy to get caught up in the demands of the day but I try to remember to He is always here and always waiting to hear from me. :)

Gospels Reading Plan

Did you know that if you just read 3 chapters of the gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) a day, you can read through all four gospels in a month? Now some of those chapters are a bit long, so if your really busy, it might not be doable. I like reading through the gospels because I get to go through the works of Jesus four times. :) It really helps remember it better when I read it several times in a month.

Better Relationships

Bottom line is that keeping in the Bible, the Word of God, and talking to Him throughout the day, helps make me a nicer, better person.

I hope this encourages you to make it a point to spend some time each day, no matter how little, with God each day.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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