A Work in Progress

My Wonderful Husband and I
My Wonderful Husband and I

Yesterday was Father’s Day and it was a tad bit foiled but we salvaged it. :) I’ve been so spoiled by my son’s Amazon Prime 2-day shipping that I didn’t allow enough time for Mike’s gift to arrive. I guess I just didn’t fully realize that I was not ordering from Amazon. :D

The estimated delivery had it being delivered Saturday, which would have been great but alas, it was not. He’s a good sport though and he guessed what his gift was anyway. It should arrive today. If that had happened to me, several years ago, I doubt I would have been as sweet about it as he was.

Mike prefers homemade cards. So I have made his cards for the last several years. I made him a Father’s Day. I used my favorite art form, Zentangle. I spent about 3 hours creating his card. I always have a hard time figuring out what to say, which is why I prefer purchased cards, which take me a long time to find the one that is “just right” for the occasion, time, and person. I don’t like words that are just generic; I have a hard time expressing my thoughts but when I read cards, I’m like, yes! That’s what I feel.

Sean treated us to dinner at the place of Mike’s choosing. He chose Buffalo Wild Wings. I think it was because the parking lot looked less full than other restaurants in the area because he does not like crowds. ;) We have never eaten there before, so he wanted to try it out. Part of love is doing what someone else wants without any griping. I’m getting better at this.

I had some things I needed to do and Mike just wanted me to spend some time with him. Yes the other things were important but spending time with him was more important. If I ended up having to stay up a bit later to finish the things I needed to do then that was what I would do. As it turned out, I spent time with him and got the other things done I needed to without having to stay up later than normal. :)

The best thing about it was that I showed him how important he is with my actions. I even took time and made him a snack after we got home from my parents’ house AND sat down and chatted with him while we ate.

I am a very blessed woman! My husband is handsome, kind, loving, and oh so many other things! I want him to feel that he is a blessed man. If I am nagging, ignoring, or inattentive he will NOT feel blessed, reverenced, or loved and I don’t want that! Thankfully I’m getting a little better at these things. But just when I think I’m doing good, Mike will hear something in my tone or words that makes him think I’m nagging and I have to reassess and let him know that I did not mean it the way he heard it.

It’s a work in process and thankfully, we are both still working on it. I wish I could say we are one of those couples that are just soooo much in love that we never argue or get frustrated with each other but we aren’t. We are a work in progress.

Until next time, God bless!


Michele ºÜº

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