A Refreshed Me is a Good Wife :)

This year, I am sitting outside more. I’m absolutely loving the breeze as I sit in the shade of the mimosa tree. I’m even writing this post, sitting outside. :)

There are times that you just have to do something for yourself, that makes you happy. Oh, don’t misunderstand me, I am not that self-sacrificing, :( I do things for myself on a daily basis. But there are some times that you have to do something a bit more.

This year I asked for a porch extension for my Mother’s Day gift. We have had a good portion of it for several years sitting around here but it has never been a priority to put together. This year, I decided I wanted that instead of my usual flower bed for my Mother’s Day gift–I’ll probably buy some flowers and plant them myself soon. ;)

Any way, last week Tiffany and I decided to go sit outside for a bit. OH! We loved it! I remembered part of what I enjoyed about going camping in the first years of marriage. I love the outdoors when it is breezy. I don’t like heat and get hot too easily. ;)

I decided to take one day each week and call it my ‘vacation day.’ A day where I’ve done the meal prep ahead of time and do the required chores immediately following breakfast and go outside and sit and read and drink southern sweet tea and just enjoy nature and the Creator, my God.

I really believe this is going to be a very good thing for me (and Tiffany). I also believe that it will be a good thing for my marriage because a relaxed and peaceful me is a good wife. :D Now I’m writing all this before I have even put it into operation yet but last Monday was so wonderful in spite of having other things I still needed to do, that I’m pretty sure that this is going to be a great thing. :)

So all that to encourage you to find something that refreshes you and find a way to incorporate it into your life. I cannot do a lot of traveling or go on many excursions right now but I can go outside and enjoy the peacefulness of the beautiful outdoors. (Don’t be mistaken, I will hightail it inside to the air conditioning when it gets too warm and breezeless for my liking. :D )

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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