What To Do When You are NOT Interested in Intimacy

When you don't want to ~ Lifeofjoy.meIf your hubby is wanting to be intimate with you and you are not interested, you need to stop and pray/ask God to help you determine the reason(s) for your lack of interest.

If your problem is that you are too tired, find a way to take a power nap (you know one of those 15-20 minute naps/periods of rest; it is amazing how just resting with your eyes closed for 15-20 minutes will refresh you), so that you aren’t too tired for intimacy.

But if your problem is that you are just not interested or it doesn’t matter to you one way or the other, then I suggest that you, first and foremost, ask God to help you be interested. He cares about your marriage, and is the creator of sex in marriage, so He wants you to participate in it and enjoy it. Then go visit some Christian marriage blogs.

Christian marriage blogs will help you in soooo many ways! They will help you get your priorities straight, give you ideas for date nights (including stay at home ideas), and even some ideas on how to love on your spouse. If you go to no other blog, go to The Generous Wife because not only does Lori share things to help you herself, but she also shares two links most every day of the week, and you will be introduced to some other wonderful Christian marriage blogs as well.

The other thing I recommend is to actually just do it. Be intimate with your hubby. Intimacy breeds more intimacy.  Intimacy draws you closer to your hubby. Before long, you may find yourselves being more affectionate to one another and helping/serving each other more. There’s another reason to just do it though. The Bible directs you to do so. When you are married, our body is not your own (neither is your spouse’s his own) and we are not to withhold our body from our spouse.

If you do not enjoy intimacy with your spouse, research why and talk to your love about it. Odds are he will be very willing to help you find enjoyment. ;)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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