Touch can be Stress-Relieving

This week is Thanksgiving in the USA. I hope that you are preparing to make it a good memorable day. :)

With all the planning, preparing, baking, going, and doing, it can get a bit stressful, so be sure to take some time to breathe deeply and cuddle with those you love. :)

Did you know that touch can relieve stress? Well, good touch that is. ;) Lately I’ve taken to getting up close to Michael and saying something like “love me.” :D Or I sit on his lap in his chair and have him hug me. He has also been more touching as late, kissing the top of my head or running his hand across my back as he passes by me in the kitchen.

My encouragement to you this week is to not get so rushed and busy that you get frustrated with the ones you love (and especially the ones you live with). Spread things out enough throughout the week or get enough prep work done ahead of time, so that you can enjoy the special time with family and friends (who are one and the same for me :) ).

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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