Touch and Hugging

Touch and Hugs ~ Lifeofjoy.meRecently I read a couple of blog posts that stuck with me. Two of the posts were about touch. The one pointed out that when you were single/engaged, you and your sweetie touched a lot. You probably had a hard time keeping your hands off of each other. But as time passed, much of the touching seems to be just for intimacy, which really should not be. It makes some really good points about touch and gives an idea about using it to calm an argument. I encourage you to hop over and read it here.

The other post pointed out that with sight, it only happens through one organ, the same with hearing, and so on. But touch can be felt over your entire body. They shared a few thoughts that were interesting on touch.

Then I remembered an article that I read a long time ago about hugging and the scientific benefits of it. It is said that you need four hugs each day to survive, eight for maintenance, and twelve for growth. :) There is even more interesting information about hugs and hugging on Dr. Mercola’s website. (The link didn’t work last night so I put it into the wayback machine on and was able to view it.)

I know all this info on touch is right one because in the last year or so, Michael has started touching my shoulder or foot or such, as he passed by me to go into the other room. I have to say, it really made an impact on me and increased how close I feel to him.

That second website recommended a way to remember to touch your spouse more, with ten coins in your pocket.

I just want to encourage you today to make an effort to increase the tender touches to your love and see if it increases your bond together. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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