The Important Things

Important ThingsIn the very early days of our home education journey, I knew the Bible was the most important thing I could teach my children but it didn’t translate to our school day. We were active in our church which had good children’s programs, so they were getting some biblical instruction. However, I am sad to say that studying the Bible was not something we did on a daily basis. As time went on, we changed curricula and Bible study became the center of the children’s education.

I began to hear about reading aloud to my children and its benefits. I liked the idea but treated it more as a reward for getting the other “important” subjects done first. Unfortunately, I did not view it as very important because we treated it more like dessert and dessert is something we do not eat every day.

After several years of hearing about reading aloud to my children and how important it was, I decided to follow the example of a fellow homeschooler and moved it to one of the first things we did each “school” day. Finally, we were consistently reading aloud and enjoying some of its benefits.

So my admonishment to you today is to prayerfully consider which things are the most important and place them in your day accordingly. Know that “life” happens and the things with the highest priority are the ones that will get completed the most consistently.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

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