Tangling This Week

It has been a busy week. Our church is having a young adult conference this week and we are working in the kitchen to get food out for the participants. Monday was a really long day and I think I was on my feet too much but things were much better yesterday.

I’d taken my drawing supplies and intended to work on the Diva Challenge for the week after lunch while we were all on a break BUT then I saw that the challenge was to use color! Guess what . . . I didn’t have anything to use for that kind of challenge. It wasn’t until I was getting ready to write this post that I realized that I had a variety of colors of uniballs in my purse and I believe I could have used those, although not ideal . . . but alas, I digress.

So there I was sitting, tired from a busy day, trying to figure out what I could share today since I obviously hadn’t gotten the Diva Challenge done and was getting ready to go to bed so there was no time to do a really challenging challenge. Then I remembered one time I was out and only had a blue uniball and my little moleskin drawing book in my purse, but I really wanted to do some tangling. So I did this . . .Blue Zentangle ~ LifeofJoy.meI didn’t have anything to use for shading so I tried to use the pen to shade and it didn’t turn out so good. I’m going to try to do another zentangle this week to submit for this challenge and will add it in when I do so, but until then, I will share another one I did in my little moleskin one night.

Deflating Pepper ~ Lifeofjoy.me

Now this one I really like! I think it was back when there was a man-o-war challenge somewhere and I was practicing and added a pepper tube with a rip in it. :)

Well, I need to get this wrapped up and ready to post. I really hope I will add more to this before the week is out as I really want to participate in this challenge but I’ve got lots of running to do yet this week.

I hope you have a wonderful week.

OH!!! THANK YOU for all the sweet comments last week. It really brightened my week! You were all so kind and I appreciate you all!

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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