Tag Archives: snack

Super Simple Snack

There are a lot of days that I just don’t feel like making something for an afternoon snack. Some of those days I go ahead and have a couple of Wasa cracker snacks. But some days I don’t even feel up to that. So what do I do?

Take some deli lunch meat (the lighter the better) and slice some strips of some kind of pepper. (Sorry about the pictures. We used a pink plate and it washed everything out and we were too tired and hungry to retake the pictures on a different plate. :D)

Sprinkle on some salt and nutritional yeast (if so desired).

Roll it up

And eat!

Now if you don’t like bell peppers, you can do this with whatever veggie you do like. I try to keep it low carb. I like it with cucumber.

At lunch today Tiffany even wrapped some of her sweet potato in lunch meat. It was quite good. (It was with a carb, THM-E, meal.)

Today I added a slice of cantaloupe to my snack and it was delightful. I haven’t had a good cantaloupe in years. :)

Well, I hope this snack idea helps you stay out of those high calorie snacks of cheese, nuts, and chocolate; it has me. ;)

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº