Tag Archives: many years

Marriage Thoughts from One Married Over 50 Years

On a recent post my mom, who has been married for 57 years–yes! 57 years–shared this comment:

There was a popular Christian song years called Love’s Not A Feeling. This is so true. When the first twinges of love start and you get married and then life begins to enter into the equation, we need to have just more than those first feelings of love.

Love is more than feelings. It is commitment and long suffering and forgiveness and being able to put things aside, so bitterness and strife do not destroy what made you fall in love in the first place. And friendship, indeed, is important.

I’m so thankful for my parents commitment to God and each other. I hope her words are an encouragement to you today.

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

P.S. My daughter and I started a youtube channel.