Tag Archives: forgiveness

Marriage Thoughts from One Married Over 50 Years

On a recent post my mom, who has been married for 57 years–yes! 57 years–shared this comment:

There was a popular Christian song years called Love’s Not A Feeling. This is so true. When the first twinges of love start and you get married and then life begins to enter into the equation, we need to have just more than those first feelings of love.

Love is more than feelings. It is commitment and long suffering and forgiveness and being able to put things aside, so bitterness and strife do not destroy what made you fall in love in the first place. And friendship, indeed, is important.

I’m so thankful for my parents commitment to God and each other. I hope her words are an encouragement to you today.

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

P.S. My daughter and I started a youtube channel.

Learning From the Experience of Others

Thanksgiving and Big Stuff ~ Lifeofjoy.me For the rest of this month, in honor of Christmas in July, Tiffany is putting her book on sale! If you’d like to read a fun cozy murder mystery (that reads like a romantic comedy at Christmas time), go check out my daughter’s first book, Murder Mystery and the Gingerbread Cookies available on Amazon (and a few other places I can’t recall right now ;) ). She started writing it when she was 12 years old. We published a few years ago in ebook and finally jumped through all the hoops to get it into paperback this past February. If you like ebooks, grab that as it is a better deal for both you and her. ;)

This week my cousin had an interesting conversation on his facebook account about marriage. One person had a really good comment that I agreed with and wanted to share with you.

I will say this about marriage….it’s hard, it’s beautiful, it’s painful, it’s a blessing, it’s draining and it’s fulfilling. It is hard, really hard at times and then it is great, really great at other times.

Christians seem to be too proud, or too ashamed to admit that sometimes their marriages just stink. But it’s normal. It is normal to go through those times yet we present a blissfully happy existence together because we are applying the Biblical principles. And yes, those principles alone can keep a marriage going strong and if we were perfect we would apply those principles every single moment of every single day and live in constant harmony with each other. But we aren’t perfect and we hurt each other…and sometimes we hurt each other badly.

Forgiveness is the biggest factor I believe in saving a marriage and keeping it strong. I truly feel we need to be more truthful and “real” presenting marriage to young adults.

Another person commented that “commitment” is another word that is missing from the dialogue.

I so agree with this. I even wrote about forgiveness recently. I think realizing that we cannot change anyone but ourselves is another key. Sometimes the only thing we can do is change our reaction to situations. Not saying that is easy, but sometimes that is all that can be done.

I believe that it can be encouraging to know that you are not alone. It is an encouragement to me to know that many relationships go through frustrations and differences of opinion but that it is possible to stay together as a couple/family and have happy times as well. It is also encouraging to me to understand how others deal with situations, so that I can learn from their experiences.

I try to present real marriage here on Marriage Mondays and be an encouragement in the process.

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº