Tag Archives: change yourself

Change What You are Thinking

I’ve said it before, you cannot change your husband; you can only change you (or your reaction). I stand by this statement but am going to share a post that has a completely different title :D , 8 Thoughts that will Change your Husband.

The article is over on The Not So Excellent Wife by Sheila Qualls. I believe this is the first time I’ve been on her site and probably came from a link shared by The Generous Wife ;) ; she shares such good stuff.

At any rate, Sheila shares some quick ideas to help see positive changes in your spouse. I know that when I’m even slightly frustrated, the people in my house can “feel” or “sense” my frustration. Likewise, if I’m excited, they can feel that too. As our thoughts go, there goes the rest of us.

I hope you’ll jump over to Sheila’s article and that it will be an encouragement to you, even if it is a challenge.

Until next time,

Michele ºÜº

PS. Just a quick reminder that I now have a page set up with Patreon.