
taco ~ lifeofjoy.meHow do you make tacos? I can remember way back when I was about 11-12 years old and my grandma showed my mom how to make tacos. Now, I must let you know that my grandma was Amish, so everything she cooked was fried or gravied or fried and gravied.

Back to my story, Grandma showed Mom to fry the tortillas in oil. So making tacos can be quite an ordeal, if it is for a large group because they have so many choices: Hard or soft, corn or flour tortilla. I didn’t even know there were ‘U-shaped’ hard corn tortillas for tacos until I had been married for a few years. :D

So here are the directions for how we make tacos.

Brown the ground meat. Of course we use ground turkey. I don’t drain the meat though because the juices mostly evaporate or something. I then add one package of taco seasoning, which I purchase from Aldi. One day I may actually put together a homemade version but I haven’t yet. I also fill the empty taco seasoning envelope 2/3 -3/4 of the way full with water; pour it in with the meat and seasoning and mix completely.

In the meantime, shred a block of cheese, dice some onion and tomato, and cut some lettuce very finely. Sometimes I heat up some refried beans and/or cut up an avocado.

Put a little oil of some kind in the bottom of a pan; I use a flat fajita griddle. When the oil is hot, place the tortilla in the hot oil for about 30 seconds or so, until it bubbles a bit and then flip. When it is slightly golden, remove to a plate with paper towels to absorb the grease. Continue with each tortilla.

FRying Tortillas ~ Lifeofjoy.meFrying 2nd side of tortilla ~ lifeofjoy.me

I just put all the ingredients out on the table and let everyone build their own on their plate.

I almost forgot to take a picture of the finished product, so I caught Mike before he took his last two bites. ;) Sorry ’bout that folks.

taco ~ lifeofjoy.me

Until next time, God bless,
Michele ºÜº

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