
Stubborn ~ Lifeofjoy.meMike and I are both stubborn. This can be both a good thing and a bad thing. On the good side, we are so stubborn that we are sticking together – divorce is not an option for us. It has been this stubbornness that has helped us persevere a time or two throughout the years.

But then there is the stubbornness that is bad. Today Mike and I both had a neck pain. We were waiting around at church for the rest of the group to arrive to set up for the young adult conference we are having at the church this week. I was sitting in a seat a row behind Mike and was rubbing an ache in my neck. Meanwhile, Mike got up and came to sit beside me and wanted me to rub his neck. I carelessly asked him if he was going to rub mine then. Wedge ~ Lifeofjoy.meI think you can imagine that this did not go over very well. I quickly tried to right my mistake and started rubbing his neck but I wasn’t massaging it hard enough and it wasn’t doing any good. He got frustrated and got up and walked away. Well, this kind of stubbornness is not good because it was being a wedge between us.

I cajoled him into coming and sitting in front of me and letting me massage his neck with him giving me insight as to what was helping and what wasn’t. Situation resolved.

Bottom line: Be quick to forgive. Be quick to find a way to make the situation better and don’t take offense! Don’t get mad when things happen; be determined (stubborn) to find a solution and make it better. Turn what the devil means to be a wedge in your marriage into something that is good for your marriage.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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