Springtime: Flowers and Kits

It is springtime in Oklahoma! Of course it was quite cool the last few days and I am just fine with that. I feel like the longer we have cooler temperatures the less likely we are to have horrendously hot temperatures any time soon . . . at least I hope that is true. I can tolerate cold a lot better than 100º temps and higher.

At any rate we have some wild flowers in bloom.

Little Purple Wild Flowers ~ Lifeofjoy.meThis picture doesn’t really do them justice. They are really pretty and remind me of small irises.

Then there are these little white flowers everywhere.

White Wild Flowers ~ Lifeofjoy.meIt isn’t a very good picture either but . . . you get the idea. I love the spring because we have so many flowers around the yard . . . that is . . . until we start mowing . . .

First Mow 2018 ~ Lifeofjoy.meTiffany mowed some this week.

More First Mow 2018 ~ Lifeofjoy.meSome of my irises are bloomed! :)

Iris Bed ~ Lifeofjoy.meThey are multiplying nicely. I planted them here in the shade because my mom has a huge bed of them and they seem to thrive in the shade. :)

Iris Closeup ~ Lifeofjoy.meIt’s beautiful!!!

Iris 2018 ~ Lifeofjoy.meThere is some ivyish stuff growing in with my irises. I’m going to have to don some gloves and remove it at some point. ;)

The Sweet Williams Brian and Lauren bought me a few years ago for my birthday/Mother’s Day are blooming nicely! It is always so nice to see pretty flowers come up of their own accord.

Sweet Williams ~ Lifeofjoy.meWe planted some oregano near it last summer, basically so we wouldn’t lose it in the yard somewhere. Well. I didn’t think it would come back this year because it was kind of dead last fall. It did not take very well. But look at it now . . .

Oregano ~ Lifeofjoy.meI guess we’ll be drying some and bottling it up for the winter. We use a lot of oregano, so this is a good thing. We will probably try some basil again this year. :D

My sister and her hubby gave us this Calla Lilly for Easter this year. I’m hoping it will be fine once I plant it. It got too cold several times since we received it so I haven’t planted it yet but am hopeful that it will do fine afterwards. I hope it is a perennial but I haven’t checked. If it is, I will either plant it back by the irises or up with the daffodils/narcissus.

Calla Lilies ~ Lifeofjoy.me

Michael is getting the chicken coop all cleaned up and ready for chickens again and for some pygmy goats. We plan to leash them to certain areas to let them help us clear out some sections.

He worked really hard all day the other day because it’s been a while since we’ve had chickens and thus the whole area was grown over.

Coop ~ Lifeofjoy.meYeah, it’s makeshift but it will do. ;) But it is nicely cleaned out now.

Inside Coop ~ Lifeofjoy.meInside Coop ~ Lifeofjoy.meWhen he got inside, he found that one of our cats had kittens in there. Jitters isn’t the brightest cat we own but she sure was smart to pick this place to have them. She had two in here. Michael moved them outside so he could clean it up a bit.

Lonely Kitten ~ Lifeofjoy.meHe put both of them in this crate with some tar paper. Jitters took one off back into the wooded area back towards our pond. I think she got confused and after dinner this one was still left alone. Thankfully we have two other cats that have recently had kittens.

KitKat only had one kit this time around. She’s a really good mom. Her kit is black as midnight so I named him/her Midnight. We brought the lonely kitten up front to the cat house and introduced it to KitKat, who took care of it right away. Midnight seemed kind of glad to have a litter mate after all. ;)

Kitkat and kits ~ lifeofjoy.meMidnight is 2-3 weeks old and the new kit is only days old. I think they will do fine. :)

Well, I’ve rambled on enough for one day. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. I intend to. :)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

2 thoughts on “Springtime: Flowers and Kits

  1. New life in the spring, how lovely. It’s fun seeing your world come to life. :) I’m coveting your oregano, though. I need to hit a local nursery and start an herb garden.

    1. Awww, how sweet of you to stop by and leave such a sweet comment. I’d love to give you some of the oregano. :D

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