Resource Reminder

Resrouce Reminder ~ Lifeofjoy.meToday I just wanted to take a moment and remind you of a wonderful resource for resources. ;) I think I mention this site every year but it is that good!!!

Homeschool Freebie of the Day

This is a great website that points you to a free resource every weekday. Now I’m not saying you will be able to use every resource but you should find something that works for you, at least weekly. :)

When I visited yesterday in preparation for this post, there were resources for science experiments for the different senses, as well as some Halloween themed ones. There were links to some books including autumn poetry, a primer, and DIY projects for kids. Well, actually the Autumn in Verse link has around twenty poems picked out with very brief descriptions but click the link and there is an audio, download, and the poem, as well as a student activity (although I don’t see any “answers” to the activity, it still looks like a good resource).

They frequently have audio freebies as well. They have old time radio shows and very soon, they should be releasing their old time radio shows holiday collection on cd. I have one from years ago and enjoy listening to those old shows sometimes during the holidays.

If you haven’t checked them out before, go–do it now. If you have been there before but not for a while, give them another look; you may be surprised with the resources they are sharing.

I hope you have a great day and enjoy some of the links. Now I’m off to download the DIY kids projects resource.

Until next time, God bless,


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