Resolution Check-Up

Resolution Check-Up ~ Lifeofjoy.meAlthough it isn’t very far into the new year, I am pleased that I have managed to keep that irritating tone out of my voice so far this year. This is not an easy task. I am glad that when I found myself in situations where I might be tempted to raise my voice and speak in that tone that annoys Mike, I managed to keep it toned down. Calm. Cool. And collected. :)

Unfortunately, I did not remember to write the love note on the fourteenth but at least I’ve remembered now, so I can still get it written before the end of the month.

When the children were young, it was challenging to give Mike the attention he deserved, if I had even realized it at the time. It is now my goal to help others avoid the mistakes I made. So in that effort, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Do you stop what you are doing to greet your husband when he returns after the work day?
  • Do you allow him some space before telling him all about your day or any stresses you’ve had that day? In other words, don’t throw problems at him as soon as he comes home.
  • Do you make time to be alone with him to communicate (not about problems or decisions) and be intimate? Generally speaking, men need it more than women think.
  • Do you talk respectfully about your man, to your children, family, and friends? {I get frustrated with how men are portrayed on television. They like to portray women as smarter than men and that is just disrespectful.}

I encourage you to check yourself periodically. Remember why you married your man and nurture that love. As I’ve said before, you only have your children for a while but your husband you will have long after.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

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