Relationships to Grow On

I'm sharing my love of snow with my kids ~

I don’t recall trying to be friends with my children when they were young. I did treat them like people. ;) I gave them respect, love, and attention but I also remained their mom. My mom was a great example to me of being a friend and mom; there were times I had a hard time finding the that line between the two rolls my mom played. I know it was hard for her at times and I’m sure she wanted to slap me sometimes. :D I know this because I felt the same way with my own kids at times. ;)

9 Yrs Later ~
9 years later, still enjoying the snow and homemade muffins I made for them to enjoy while sledding.

I do have to say though, that it was definitely worth the effort, as it has made transitioning my relationship with my grown children rather easy. It was difficult on me as Brian moved out and he shifted his confidences away from me and to his fiance. It was as it should be but that didn’t make it any easier. I value all I have shared with my children. I am thankful for the relationships I have with each of them now and what I have with my daughter-in-love as well.

So, the road to where I am now, is one in which you talk with your children. Listen to them. Value what they have to say. Really listen to them. Spend time with them. Create wonderful memories with them so that even if they don’t remember them, you will.

I also recommend writing down things that you want to be sure to remember in later years! Time goes by so quickly, even though you don’t feel like it at the time and the memory doesn’t always recall the little moments you wish you could remember. Encourage your children to write things down too. I love it when I come across a journal entry my kids made; it generally brings a smile to my face.

Grown Kids ~
6 years later, Mothers Day 2014 (My hair flopped by the time we got together and took pictures – not enough hairspray.)

Take time to develop a friendship with your children today that will be the foundation of your relationship as you enter the next season of life with your children all grown up. Remember to keep a balance to where you remain their mom, as they NEED a mom not a fan club. It is a fine line but worth the effort of developing.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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