Really Listen When Others are Speaking

Today’s friendly reminder is to listen to your spouse.

It is so easy to let my mind wander or try to figure out what I’m going to say and not completely listening any longer. But that isn’t fair to my hubby.

It’s hard to just listen because I’m a fixer. Well, I like to help and offer suggestions. But the truth of the matter is that sometimes people just need to talk. They don’t want you to give them an answer or solution to their situation, unless of course they ask you.

This is even harder when what is being said is opposed to what you want or believe. But it is only fair to really listen and then pause and formulate a response, calmly.

I hope this encourages you to really listen to your spouse. Practice giving him your undivided attention. ;) I know I’m going to work on it this week.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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