Pepper Betweed

I can’t believe I’m already thinking about October! In a lot of ways! We have a conference at our church at the beginning of the month, for which I volunteer to help. Of course I started thinking about that a lot a few weeks ago but I hadn’t really contemplated Inktober and yet I have started seeing Inktober prompts. :) I’m looking forward to it now too.

Well, for this week’s tile I am once again following the prompt from Today’s Tangle: Keeping it Classic #TTKICPrompt090919. My string didn’t look exactly like the one Sandy drew but it is close. Here is my string.

I looked over the pool of tangles to choose from and wasn’t real thrilled with them. I noticed that several sections were triangular and would thus lend themselves to Betweed. So that’s where I started. In the scan above I marked the sections as I filled them. I started with the red ones. That four-sided section didn’t end up getting filled in completely, so after I did the cyan sections, I filled in that bit that was left over and the other green section. Then I added Pepper into the sections marked with yellow.

Here is what my tile looked like before shading.

I’ve always liked Pepper but I’ve just never used it much. Prior to this year Betweed and I were not very good friends but now, I enjoy tangling it. I generally only use it if I find a triangular section already available. I think that was my problem with Betweed before–creating triangular shapes to fill.

Here’s the tile in natural lighting before shading.

Here is the scanned finished tile.

And here it is in natural, but dim light.

So what do you think? Do you use Betweed or Pepper? (Pepper is the peppermint looking one.) Do you plan to participate in Inktober?

Thanks for stopping by,

Michele ºÜº

PS. I now have a youtube channel and a patreon. I hope you’ll check them out.

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