New Grocery Store (continued), Books & Reading, and Lettering

I gushed last week about WinCo, so I’ll try to keep it down this week. ;) We went back to WinCo this week and picked up a pineapple for 98¢ and some chicken breasts for about 98¢/lb. Of course, we picked up some other bulk items too.

Bottom line for this store is to know your prices. My sister buys her groceries with Walmart pickup, so this isn’t as big of a draw for her because they don’t have a pickup option. ;) But I’m a really good sister and I will just text her when I see a good deal, like those chicken breasts and the spare ribs for 98¢/lb again this week.

I found the lower fat cheese sticks to be cheaper than I usually get them, as well as lunch meat. Oh! We love their cheese. Such good cheese for $3.28/lb or it might have been $3.48/lb. It was delicious. :) The mozzarella is creamy and the gouda! Delicious!

Books . . . Reading

So, we managed to beat the system with our local library last week. You see, we were notified that we would need to renew our library cards on Wednesday but our books were due on Thursday and we still had one time we could renew this round of books before returning them to the library. However, if we had to renew our cards, we’d have to go to the library and wouldn’t be able to renew the books from home.

So on Tuesday we renewed the books. :) Now we don’t have to go to the library until next week. But that means I need to get busy and read any of these books I am wanting to read. I decided in order to get the majority of the books read, I’d read them by how many pages they have that way I’ll be finishing as many books as possible. :D

I’ve got Cages of Steel on my kindle that I’m reading. It’s an interesting sci-fi by Isaac Asimov. I finished up another book this week and have started a third but it is so odd that I think I may start another one to give my head a break from this sci-fi oddity. ;) Seriously, it’s odd–the main character’s father is a mountain, his mother is a washing machine, he has 3 brothers that are nesting dolls. Too weird!!! But I’ll keep pushing through it.

Modern Calligraphy

I’m really enjoying the class I’m taking. We’re working our way through the lower case letters of the alphabet (they’re called minuscules). I’ve gotten up through k now. Consequently yesterday I decided to write a few simple words. :) It was lots of fun! I am so glad I decided to continue with this. It’s very satisfying.

I struggled a bit with the k yesterday because it has two advanced strokes which I hadn’t practiced yet. I was having a tough time with the last leg of the k. I kept getting a point on the bottom, like a checkmark–not good. ;)

I really enjoyed writing some small words with the letters I have done. I keep practicing them, so that I get better. It was nice to put some together. :)

Well, that’s it for me today. I hope you have a nice weekend. I don’t know what I’ll be doing for sure but am looking forward to a peaceful one.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

3 thoughts on “New Grocery Store (continued), Books & Reading, and Lettering

  1. Michele, what kind of pen are you using for your calligraphy class? Your writing is so lovely. I need to pick up a few tools and give it a try.

    1. Lori, I’m using the Tombo Fudenosuke hard tip pen (which is flexible but not as flexible as their soft tip pen ;) ); it’s the blue barrelled pen with the green square on the side, not the blue square. It is the WS-BH not the ws-bs.

      Thank you for the compliment on my writing. <3 :) I'm really enjoying it.

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