Love is Serving

salad ~ Lifeofjoy.meI remember one young lady, years ago, that was waiting on her prince to come. She was looking forward to being treated like a princess. That is all well and good except for one thing, a prince is not a servant. A prince is not someone to wait on you hand and foot, that is the job of a servant. Just as much as a lady should be treated as a princess, she should treat her man as a prince.

It is when we are looking for our own needs to be met that we get tripped up. Our focus and goal should be to ensure that we are meeting the needs of our mate. Even if he never reciprocates, it is our duty to show him love. Now, odds are that if you begin serving your husband, unconditionally, he will begin to serve you as well. Serving your spouse unconditionally shows him respect. When a man is respected, unconditionally, he feels fulfilled and will probably show you more love and that my friends is a win-win!

So I am making it my goal to find ways to serve my honey, unconditionally. Yesterday evening after we got home from a busy day, Mike wanted a salad. I do not really like to make salads but I made him one anyway. He could have done it but I knew he wouldn’t. So I made it for him. And you know what? He appreciated it! And that my friends, made me feel good. :)

Remember love is serving, so find ways to serve your love this week.

Until next week, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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