Liam, a Birthday, and Zelda

Last weekend I went and got Liam. :)

He’s taken to sucking his lower lip. :D

Liam lip sucking ~

I got him a cute snack cup from Dollar Tree that holds the snack pieces inside the cup and has an opening for him to pull a piece out. He didn’t get the hang of it this time around but I’m sure that before long, he’ll be a pro at it.

New Snack Cup ~ Lifeofjoy.meHe was really wanting to move!

AND . . . he had his very first sleepover!!! He was very good!Sleepover! ~ Lifeofjoy.meHis mommy said he gets up between 7 and 8. I couldn’t reach her to ask but was pretty certain that she wanted me to wake him up. I was a bit nervous about doing it but he was a sweetie.  I gave him his morning bottle and we had some nice snuggle time.

Grandkids are a joy! I cannot wait until I have a bunch of them . :)

Sean’s birthday was this past weekend as well! He requested that yummy pound cake I made just days prior for his cake. It was REALLY good!!!

Sean Birthday ~ Lifeofjoy.meBusy and Fun ~ Lifeofjoy.meI wrote about it in more detail last Friday. If you eat low carb and sugar-free, this is delicious!

The only other thing that’s been big this week is that we are still loving the new Zelda game, Breath of the Wild. It is HUGE!!! and lots of fun!

Zelda ~ Lifeofjoy.meWe weren’t sure if we wanted to get it because it was released on the new Wii which we do not have. I’m so glad Sean bought it! :)

He also went ahead and ordered a strategy guide for it and it came yesterday. I haven’t had a chance to peruse it yet but it is gorgeous and has tons of information in it. The print is small but he was forewarned about that so we knew what to expect.

The Guide ~

He’s a good bargain hunter and found a coupon and a discount, and sale items, and free shipping. :D

We get to have Liam spend the night again this weekend and get to show him off at church Sunday!

Well, I’m off for now. Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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