Intimacy, Especially When You Don’t Feel Like It

Intimacy ~ Lifeofjoy.meToday’s post is written with mothers of young children in mind. I remember how tough it was to have children pulling on you all day. The cooking and the cleaning doesn’t get done by themselves either. When it comes time for bed, all you want to do is crash and get some rest before it starts all over again (or before the little one wakes you for an early morning feeding).

And then it happens . . . that wonderful man you married asks if you’d like to tango. ;) Don’t make the mistake I did and assume that he is just asking to be kind and that it doesn’t matter to him. If your man is anything like mine, he knows that you do a lot all day and does not want to just be another thing on your to-do list. To be quite frank, he wouldn’t ask if you wanted to, if he didn’t want (or maybe even need) to.

Of course it isn’t exclusive of mothers of young ones. Mature ladies can be hit with a very similar situation. You stay up later than he does, because you can’t sleep yet or just aren’t finished with a project or a book or . . . whatever it is you do . . . you finally go in and slip into bed, trying not to awaken him, as he needs his sleep and your eyes are burning tired. Then it happens, he reaches for you. You have a choice to make, brush him off and pretend you’ve already fallen asleep or give your sweetie a little love and attention.

In either case, the best thing to do is to let yourself relish in the love of your spouse. Seriously! Don’t fight it. Show him you love him. It doesn’t have to take an incredible amount of time; a quick dance isn’t a bad thing and then you can get to sleep in short order. But I’m here to tell you, the best thing you can do for your marriage is to show him some lovin’! And let’s face it, it isn’t like you won’t get some enjoyment out of it. ;)

Now, I know there are exceptions but for the most part, you will be doing yourself, your husband, and your marriage a great favor by doing so. You honey will feel important, loved, and respected and you will get some good rest.

It’s something to think about.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


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