Help Your Hubby Win on Mother’s Day

For so many years I just expected that my dear hubby should know how to make me feel special on special days like my birthday and Mother’s Day. This is not the case. I have finally learned that I need to tell him what I want in order to receive what I want. It’s not that I’m picky but he just is pretty clueless where romantic gestures are concerned (and honestly always has been ;) ).

A couple of weeks before my birthday I start announcing that my birthday is coming up. Yep, just a like a child does. Do you know what Michael said? He thanked me for reminding him. And do you know what he said every day when I mentioned it? He thanked me again, until the day that he remembered and had it all “sorted.” :)

I started reminding him a few days ago that Mother’s Day was coming up in XX days. He was a bit flustered but I just simply said, you know, in case you want to get your mom and me a card and have hers arrive in the mail before Mother’s Day.

Find out how your husband wants you to help him be successful on special days. Maybe yours just wants you to send a text or email at the beginning of each month with the special days to remember that month. Maybe he needs a gift list or a daily reminder. It’s important to only give him the help he wants.

I hope you have a wonderful week and Mother’s Day, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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