Help for Fidgety Kids

Help for Fidgety Kids ~ Lifeofjoy.meI sure wish some of these ideas and products had been available and I had known about them when my children were young. My kids all seemed to need to tap, pat, swing, or make noise or some combination of all these most of the time. I cannot tell you the number of times I had to tell them to stop that. :D Even today, in their twenties, I occasionally tell one of them that I need him to stop making noise. LOL

Well, I read that some schools are banning these fidget spinners. I can understand why but yet it is sad for those that can really benefit from using them. At any rate, this article has some really good links to some homemade fidget toys.

Here’s a link to a recipe to make your own Calming Glitter Slime. It looks really interesting. I think I’d like to have some. ;)

Then there are these Lego Calming Stress Balls. I think I’d like one or more of these as well. Years ago, there was this one kind of small ball that when I squeezed it, it felt really good. It was a different sensation but I really liked it. I wonder if these are anything like it.

Here is a post with links to some homemade spinners, like the ones that are all the rage right now. If your child is old enough, you could look at this page with him or her, let him/her make their own fidget spinner.Help Fidgety Kids ~

I got this fidget cube for Sean and Tiffany recently, very inexpensively. They really like them.

This is a good post on why children fidget. What I took away from it is that children fidget because they don’t get enough movement.

They even say that heavy chores are helpful for those who feel the need to fidget. Hey! This is a win-win. This post even links to a list of appropriate chores.

And this page has LOTS of fidgety ideas.

Don’t get overwhelmed. Just pick one or two to check out. Most of these links came from the page on the first link. There are many links on most of that site’s pages.

I hope these can be helpful to you.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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