Heartizen Day 1: Gotcha (Heart)

While I am working on updating this website, I’ll only be posting tidbits each day (with maybe a bit more on Fridays) until the update is completed.

There is a CZT who created a 14 day heart focused project called Heartizen. You can find the list of tangles by subscribing on her website or watch her fb live replays on here on her youtube channel. I won’t put pressure on myself to tangle every day right now. But I will do some of them.

I wasn’t familiar with the tangle Gotcha. However looking it up afterwards I realized that Aishwarya Darbha modified it. I realized about midway through tangling that I wasn’t following the directions properly. :D So mine is a bit different but that is okay. :)

Oh! She has demonstrated this project on circle tiles rather than squares. It is a nice change. I actually have some of these official tiles that I got from an etsy shop for Christmas some years ago. The one I chose is a buff color, maybe a renaissance tile.

So here is my tile before I did any shading.

Here it is after I did some shading.

Since I didn’t use the right number of “petals” mine turned out a bit different than hers did.

I’m interested to hear if you are participating in Heartizen.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

One thought on “Heartizen Day 1: Gotcha (Heart)

  1. How beautiful this is! I loved what you created with the Tangle Gotcha. Oh, I too didn’t count the number of petals, I just gigged up with something in the midway! I would love to see what you come up in more, with this series! Also my best wishes for your website blog! You are going to rock it with your artworks.! Regards Aishwarya

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