Goal Setting

Goal Setting ~ Lifeofjoy.me
Now is a good time to get your kids thinking about some goals and selecting one area to focus on in the coming year. You might give them some ideas or suggestions of some things they might want to consider but it is a good idea to let them choose the thing they will focus on for the year, because that gives them ownership of it and they are more likely to be successful.

If it happens to be an easily attainable goal, maybe suggest that each month they work towards adding another. For example, I will work at putting out a clean dishcloth each night when I run the dishwasher. I’d done this last year but let it slip, so will start it up again. Then if I’ve managed to make that a habit by February, I will add another habit I want to start, like swishing my toilet once each day.

Now I have to admit that adding a habit is easiest to attain when I attach it to something I already do at the same point of my day, every day. So the first one works because I set out the dishcloth at night when I run the dishwasher. The second one will be tougher because I don’t have a specific time designated to do this particular habit.

One other tip, model goal setting for your children. Share with them a goal that you will be focusing on. It is good for them to see you working to improve yourself as well.

Goal Setting BuJo ~ Lifeojfoy.meIf the goal is one that can benefit from some kind of poster, suggest that they make one. Flylady said that when she added a new item to her routines, she would put up a sticky note to remind her. So if I was going to swish my toilet after brushing my teeth, I could put a sticky note on the bathroom mirror to remind me to swish. I’m going to be making a page in my bullet journal for goal setting and then break it down to monthly and weekly things I can do to work towards the goal.

Here is a printable that you can do with your children. It has them list their favorites, some highlights of the previous year, and then some things to work on in the coming year. Whatever you do, don’t push them but do give them encouragement throughout the year.

I hope this gives you some ideas.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

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