Fighting Fair: Really Listen

I was looking through my pinterest board for ideas for today’s blog post when I was reminded to truly listen when my hubby talks, especially when it is a topic where I have a very different opinion. Sometimes I am frustrated and begin coming up with my rebuttal, and sometimes even butt in, interrupting him as he is talking. :(

If I am not really listening to his words and following along with his train of thought, how can we communicate? The problem though is that as he talks a thought jumps into my mind, related to what he’s saying–usually in opposition to what he is saying :( — and it generally completely disappears if I don’t say something but that is not fair to him.

I guess what I need to do is to pray, as a general practice, that when I have a conversation with someone, but especially with my hubby, that God will bring all the words back to my mind that need to be said. :o

My natural instinct is to write it down so that I don’t forget it but that is not fair to him either because, again, I am not focusing on what he is saying but with my argument. If I am unable to recollect my thoughts, then either they may not need to be shared or maybe they are better left to another time.

Here is the post/article that got me thinking about this: 15 Rules for Fighting Fair in Marriage.

What are your thoughts? How do you handle tough conversations (fights)? I guess I have been more concerned with proving I’m right, than for us to come to an understanding. :( Ahhh, more to pray about. :D

I hope you have a good week.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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