Even When I Don’t Feel Like It

Even When I Don't Feel Like It ~ Lifeofjoy.meI was in a facebook group recently where some ladies around my age were asking for prayer for their situation. Well, one lady posted with the request but there were others that commented with basically a “me too.” The situation is one where the husband is desiring intimacy but the wife is not interested. I got the impression that it wasn’t always the way things were for her/them.

I have to tell you, this really hurt me. I hurt for the husbands of these precious women, who were seriously asking for prayer. They were getting so many comments that I didn’t think my comment was needed but it has been on my mind. What I would want to convey, with the utmost love, is “fake it until you make it.”

I have learned that if my husband asks me if I want to be intimate that the answer is yes, whether I want to or not. Even if I don’t feel like it, if I engage in the moment and put forth some effort, it is an enjoyable time and my marriage is nurtured.

So my suggestion to these precious women would be, love on your hubby! Your marriage, your husband, and you are worth the effort. Don’t wait to feel like it.

Oh! If your hubby flirts with you and/or makes comments about wanting to be intimate later, flirt back, tell him yes. Then when you go to bed, if he doesn’t bring it up, initiate it yourself. He will be happy that you remembered. ;)

Seriously, if you make the effort and get your head in the game, you will have bettered your marriage!

I hope this encourages you today.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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