Encouraging Kids to Write

Storybird ~ Lifeofjoy.meSome children love to write stories. I have a friend that is a teacher and she shared this link on her facebook page recently. I was intrigued.

It is called Storybird. And can be found at simply storybird.com. It is free to use. You can sign-up as a teacher, student, professional writer, professional artist, or just a regular user. As a teacher you can create assignments for your students/child(ren). I didn’t actually sign-up for it because I no longer have anyone that would use it so I googled it and found some youtube videos about it. One word of caution though, Storybird has been updated so some of the features may not be available any longer or things may work just a tiny bit differently than you see in a video.

Storybird is a website with pictures that you can use your imagination to create a story based on the picture. You can create a picture book with a picture on each page, a poem with one picture and words to choose from to create your poem, and longer stories where you have a one picture per chapter.

I told Tiffany, my 18 year old writer, about it and she checked it out for me. She liked it and said she will use it when she needs to just write to get started writing, just for fun, or to get over being blocked.

So, if you’ve got a little writer or just want to have some different ways to have your kids do some of their schoolwork (homeschool work that is) or give them an outlet for some creativity, this is definitely worth looking into.

Check it out.

Until next time, God bless,

 Michele ºÜº

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