Doing the Right Thing

Speak No Evil ~ Lifeofjoy.meIt’s not easy to always do the right thing. Sometimes a situation arises where I just need to keep my mouth shut. (I believe I’ve written about this before. ;) ) However, I find it difficult to do so.

I guess I’m a fixer. I try to fix things . . . situations. As a mom, I worked at fixing attitudes and such for many years. It is hard to break habits like this.

Sometimes I jump into situations with Mike and the kids (which are grown – 18 and 22) and then end up hurting my relationship with Mike. As you might imagine, Mike thinks that I am against him or taking the kids’ side over his. I don’t think of it in those terms. It really doesn’t matter though. I should just keep my mouth shut and let them work it out themselves, as this shows Mike the respect he deserves and needs. If it is something the he needs to be told, I can talk to him about it at a later time.

I have come to the realization, a bit late I might add, that what I need to do is keep my mouth shut and take the situation to prayer! I feel I should note: (I’m not talking about abusive situations or anything like that just situations of differences of opinion and such.)

Sometimes it’s hard for me to keep my opinion to myself but it is what is best for me, Mike, and our marriage.

Until next time, God bless,
Michele ºÜº

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