Do What Needs To Be Done

Do What Needs Doing ~ Lifeofjoy.meMarriage is not about keeping track of who does what or when. It is so tempting to keep track of the things I do in an effort to say, Hey, I’m contributing a lot here. But really it is because I have a deep root of laziness that I have to constantly work to overcome.

Procrastination is a part of this same ugly ‘plant’ in my life. I procrastinate on doing things until it gets to be late in the day and then I cannot go to bed when Michael does. Although, I must admit that sometimes I’m not tired enough to go to bed when he is ready . . . partly due to the fact that he tends towards getting up way too early, not by choice but circumstance. But that aside, even if my procrastination doesn’t keep me up late, it keeps me unavailable in the evenings and that is not good. I should get my own ‘stuff’ done during the day so that I am available for the family in the evenings.

Yesterday Tiffany was ill. Since the conference started and I needed to be at the church to get things prepped for breakfast today, I had to go. Sean had to go as well because he was doing the projection of the music words. Tiffany tried to go but alas, she just needed to stay home; so Michael stayed home with her. He rose to the challenge of being a nurse, which is not easy. ;)

My morning was busy helping Tiffany decide if she was staying home or going and I ended up. I had groceries to take to church. And I had to do my hair myself. You see Tiffany has been doing my hair for the last several weeks as we work on a new hairstyle. I cannot do it the same way she does because she uses a curling wand; my hair is too short for me to attempt learn to use the wand in a hurry. So Michael did what needed to be done and got my stuff together for me. Had he not done it, I wouldn’t have made it to church on time.

Marriage isn’t about who does what. Marriage is about doing life together each supporting the other and getting the jobs done. And of course, I’m referring to normal marriages, not ones with abnormal struggles (ones with abuse or other such circumstances).

I hope this reminder is helpful to you. It was a good reminder to me yesterday as I watched my honey do what needed to be done.

Until next time, God bless,


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