Diet, Mistborn, and Games

This week I’ve started my six week focus on releasing some weight. So far, it is going well, although I’m not doing so great with the exercise because I’ve been fighting headaches for a few days. But I’ve been doing really good with increasing my liquid/water intake and eating fruits and vegetables. I’ve also made an effort to eat at least one low fat, low carb meal or snack each day too. You can read more about that here, if you’re interested.

I finished the second book in the Mistborn series, Well of Ascension. It was really good and I love the characters! Unfortunately, since this is the second in the series, I cannot say much about it.

I like the characters a lot and enjoyed their development a lot. I enjoyed OreSeur and Vin’s relationship with him. I also liked Elend’s development and meeting Tindwyl. I did miss the balls/parties in this one though. ;)

Not much has been going on here. I’ve enjoyed reading my book and playing my game. There’s a game that I play and they’ve been having group challenges, so I’ve been playing a bit more than usual.

I haven’t played much of Cooking Diary lately though because in order to continue, I need more rubies and refuse to pay for them. I usually like the food truck events though and some of the rewards are rubies. I checked it out the other day and found I’d missed two food truck events with their anniversary. :D So I played it a bit the other day.

Well, I’m going to run, it’s been a light week. ;)

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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