Bettering My Marriage

31-Days-to-a-Better-Marriage-Spring-2015-600x600Yesterday, when I went through my email, I saw that Manage Your Blessings is having a month long event to strengthen marriages. Click here to go to the main page for the event. They call it 31 Days to a Better Marriage. Once there, you will be able to read about the event, get some freebies, and a discount offer. (I am, in no way, connected with this site and get nothing for recommending it or talking about it. ;) )

At any rate, I read the article for yesterday, which looks at Proverbs chapter 14 verses 1 through 11. I have to say that I agree with what she wrote. I find it is more about my attitude than anything else. Unfortunately, my attitude is one of the hardest things to keep reigned in. When I’m frustrated, it seems to flare all by itself. When I’m challenged by situations, I seem angry. I have just recently learned that the face I make when I am concentrating hard on something is one that looks angry. Definitely something I need to work on.

I’ve also learned that my voice has tones that I don’t realize but my husband is sensitive too. :( Yet another area to work on.

I found the comparison to the ox interesting. Diligence has been a lifelong pursuit of mine, as I never feel I am being quite diligent enough with all I need to do. I must frequently battle idleness. Yes, even when the children were young I had to keep on top of myself to ensure that I actually got things done before my beloved returned home in the day.

I don’t see a need to belabor this at all or ramble on. I encourage you to go over and check out the series. I intend to check it each day and take it to heart and prayer, as I do my part to better my marriage.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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