Beat the Summer Whining about being Bored

I like check lists. They help me feel like I’m actually accomplishing stuff. :D I also liked to make check lists for my kids when they were young, so that they knew what was expected of them and I didn’t have to repeat myself so many times. ;)

I loved this mom’s Summer Rules. You can print it off and put it in a page protector or laminate it like she did. (I love that Mardel’s has inexpensive laminator you can use and pay by the foot and it is about 2.5′-3′ wide.) Then the children can just use a dry erase or vis-a-vis marker on it each day. She even tells you how to edit it for your own use. Pretty cool! :)

I didn’t usually plan any activities for my kids for the summer. I was using that time to recharge myself. ;) But I found some pages with some great collection of ideas. This first one has 28 Dollar Store Activities. I think the hula hoop canopy is my favorite but the mess of colored bubbles looks cool too, as does the pool noodle lightsabers. I think a glow stick on the end of the pool noodle would bring it up a notch. ;) Oh and there is also a cute doll tree swing. Adorable!

And finally, this one has 20 Easy Summer Crafts. My favorite ones are the bubbles that bounce, confetti launcher, light up fireflies, and jellyfish in a bottle. For girls there is also the lip gloss. :)


I found these and sooo many more by searching on pinterest: summer kids. Just don’t over do it. It can get so overwhelming with too many ideas that it paralyzes you and you don’t do any of them. ;)

I hope these ideas help you and your kids enjoy the summer.

Michele ºÜº

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