Be Intentional!

Be Intentional ~ Lifeofjoy.meAt the Home Educators’ Convention last weekend I heard one sentence that really stuck out to me about marriage. It was said in passing and I don’t even remember which workshop I was in at the time. But it struck me in a good way. :)


Everything is falling apart unless you are doing something intentional to keep it from falling apart.

This can definitely be applied to marriage. If you are not intentionally doing things to bless your marriage, you are actively letting it fall apart. Who in their right mind would intentionally let their marriage fall apart? Not me but yet by my actions there have been times when I did just that. How sad!

So now I will continually remind myself to do something to build up my marriage. Well, the only way my marriage will be built up is if I build up my spouse. So I need to find ways to build him up.

Here are some ways I can do this:

  • Leave him love notes/letters
  • Offer to scratch his back or rub his shoulders
  • Offer to get him something when I get myself something
  • Make sure his work clothes are washed and folded as soon as they are dry so that they don’t wrinkle
  • Make him his favorite meal or side dish
  • Make him a dessert he likes
  • Thank him for what he does
  • Tell him how good the tea is that he makes for me
  • Tell him how handsome/strong/sexy he is
  • Tell him how wonderful he is, being specific

I’ve got a great man and I don’t want him to ever think that I take him for granted. :)

I hope you will consider making your own list of things you can do to build up your spouse and marriage, intentionally.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


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