A Week in Review

Gwin and Plan B for the lights ~ Lifeofjoy.me
I forced Gwin to let me take a picture of what we decided was NOT how we wanted to use those colored icicle lights. :D

Well, it is the end of my birthday week. :) It has been very relaxing. I’ve been recharging from my busyness with last Friday’s fellowship night at our church. I really do need to learn not to procrastinate. I don’t know why I do it but I do, frequently and with many many things.

I think the fellowship night went well but I’m not sure that everyone did. There were a few hiccups but overall, I had fun. ;)

We made i-spy bottles for one of our games. Tiffany and Lauren were a super help . . . truth be told, they did most of it for me. :) They are great to me! We tried it with sand but the sand was damp. Mike brought it home that way. We collected small items that would fit through the opening on a small water bottle. When we put the items in with the sand, the sand coated everything and you just could not see the items, which really defeats the purpose of the game. So we switched to rice. It worked great with the rice. We made each bottle different.

We ended up with too many things to do which is my preference over not enough to do. I had been asked to sing but my voice was nearly gone come Thursday. Thus I spend the majority of Friday whispering, since I needed my voice to emcee the activities for the evening.

I asked for the attendees to help us clean up afterwards. It was such a blessing to have the extra hands helping out. It sure made it easier than when we set it up. All those extra hands and feet loading up the vehicles with all the decorations made it light work. I was even blessed to have someone come up to me and take over the vacuuming for me! What a blessing!

Saturday was a fun day. The kids, including Brian and Lauren, Mike, and I went to see Avengers 2 at the mid-price theater. I can handle an older theater when the price is so much cheaper. It was fun. We ran a few errands to get birthday gifts and Sean treated the four of us to milkshakes from Braum’s on our way home. :)

My friend Gwin has her birthday on the day before mine. I got her a book that looks wonderful – The Joy of Zentangle – in which 3/4 of it is filled with tangle step-outs. I think she will enjoy not having to remember which websites to go to when she begins to tangle.

My niece’s birthday is the day after mine, so Sunday we celebrated my birthday and hers at my parents’ home after Sunday morning services. Macie chose Mud Pie for dessert.

On my birthday, Tiffany really spoiled me! I got some computer games that I had wanted and enjoyed playing the ones that I could get to work easily. She fixed all my meals and dessert too!

Brian and Lauren came out to celebrate with me. After a dinner of Lasagna and homemade bread, we started to watch Agents of Shield but they don’t follow that show and needed to leave earlier than usual. We played the group game on Nintendo Land that we call candy. Five or Six people can play it together. The majority of the players run around collecting candy trying to reach the goal while the other player (or two) plays the two guards and attempts to catch them 3 times before they can collect the specified number of candies (the more players the higher candy goal).

My voice has been getting stronger and stronger since the party Friday night but still is struggling a bit. :\ This too shall pass.

I hope you have a great weekend.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

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