A Love Challenge and Two Mantras

Love Challenge and Just for Today ~ Lifeofjoy.meDuring the month of February, The Generous Wife, Lori Byerly, challenged her readers to bless your husband with small acts of kindness and generosity. On the last day of the month she found she was more in love with him than at the beginning of the month. (You can read her short article here about it.) I’ve had the same experience in the past when I’ve made an effort to be more intentional with my hubby.

Recently I’ve been following Kristie Sullivan’s youtube channel, Cooking Keto with Kristie. She’s been an inspiration to me in this keto way of eating (woe) upon which I’ve embarked. The mantra that helped her stay on plan is “Just for today.” It is a decision that can help you through that moment of that day. It is a short term goal . . . just for today, I choose . . . but it can be made afresh every day.

Then the other day I read this article from Ann Voskamp’s website, about softening your sharp edges. In it the guest poster writes about how she curbed herself from saying harsh things with the mantra “Only Love Today.” It is an interesting read with the best bits a little way after the pictures. ;)

These two mantras have collided in my mind today. Each one is a decision for TODAY. Today is easier to deal with than forever or a year or a month. It is more readily accomplished than embarking on a long-term commitment.

Then I realized that Lori’s daily reminder to do one kind or generous act each day went right along with these other two. So somewhere in my head, I’m combining them something like this . . . Just for today, I choose to speak only Love and act generously (especially to Michael). Understanding that each day is a fresh slate and a doable commitment. Only Love Today . . . Just for today . . . acts of kindness and generosity, because they aren’t limited to a challenge in February but a good idea all year long.

I hope somewhere in my ramblings today, you can find encouragement to Only be LOVING, Generous and Kind, making good choices one day at a time (a.k.a. Just for today) and in the end find that not only have you brightened others’ days but you feel more love towards those dear ones in your life.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº

2 thoughts on “A Love Challenge and Two Mantras

  1. Thank you so much for this reminder. I am a 45 year old homemaker who deals with anxiety issues. i have good days and bad days. This article was a wonderful reminder to just breathe and look at today. That is how our heavenly Father wants to handle everything in life, just one day at a time. God bless.

  2. Thanks so much for linking to my blog. Little acts of kindness really do sweeten the atmosphere of your home and “create” more love for your man.

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