Monthly Archives: January 2017


Fasting ~ Lifeofjoy.meI know this is not a tasty subject but it is good for you. When done correctly it is good for you physically, as well as spiritually. If you’ve never done any fasting before, do some research and then give it a try.

There are lots of different kinds of fasts. Many people fast a particular item, like sugar or sweets, for Lent. Fasting is not limited to Lent though. (I previously wrote about Lent here and here.) There are fasts where you only drink water or only drink liquids. There are fasts where you skip meals or go days without eating anything at all. It’s really up to you. There’s a whole wealth of people that do intermittent fasting, which is where one generally eats nothing until after 2:00 pm. And many Christians do what they call a Daniel’s Fast, which is an easy beginner’s fast where you eat no meat or “pleasant bread,” which is yeasted bread and drink no wine/alcohol. It is so called because it is what Daniel chapter 10.

As a Christian, there are spiritual reasons to fast as well. One spends time praying and reading the Bible instead of eating food. In this way we seek God and His will for our lives, as we draw closer to and believe more in Him.

I encourage you to consider some fasting for yourself. It is a good and healthy practice to get into.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº


Marriage Challenge

New Year 2017 ~ Lifeofjoy.meTo You All!!!

You are the reason I write here! I hope the site blesses you.

Love them ~ I was talking to Lauren (my daughter-in-love) Saturday night, which was New Year’s Eve. She has started a blog where she does book reviews and we were talking about how we both needed to get our posts done. I, of course, mentioned that I didn’t know what to write about and she said she had to finish the book she was reading, in order to write her review.

She came up with a few ideas for me to consider for Monday posts. Thanks Sweetie! Later that evening in between games, Lauren told me she’d just been told about a 30-Day Marriage Challenge. Of course, she sent me the information to look into it later.

Well, here’s the scoop, has a simple idea for strengthening marriage. Do one simple little thing every day for your spouse. The suggestions range from asking him what you can do to help him to hug him three times today to remember  being a wife is a blessing to praying for wisdom. The suggestions really do vary and they are available in a cute printable.

Marriage Challenge ~ Lifeofjoy.meThe idea is to do whatever is suggested on the number square that corresponds with the date. It is only thirty days long, so I guess on any month that has a 31st day, you can be creative or pray and ask God to help you bless your love in a special way that day. ;)

If there happen to be any guys reading today, has a similar printable with suggestions for you too. :) Women like words, so some days it gives you some simple ideas of things you can say to your wife that will bless or encourage her.

Ladies, don’t forget that TheGenerousWife gives a marriage centered daily prayer prompt, as well as marriage encouragement and  links to encouraging articles around the web. For the gents, there is TheGenerousHusband too. ;)

I hope you’ll accept the challenge to enhance your marriage, one day at a time with me.

Until next time, God bless,

Michele ºÜº